Rest Days

  • Ladies holidays
    Moon days

    Committing to an ashtanga practice creates structure. And even beyond the physical aspects we become hyper aware of ourselves. Analyzing our psyche, our patterns, our disconnects or connections... eating/ sleep behaviors. It’s generally a roadmap. Something we can use to see where we can tweak for better function both physically and emotionally. it’s virtually a destination to... no rushing!
    Yet, we have a preview of the adventure.
    So we start to develop and plan for a smoother journey wherever we can, to offer greater ease
    Because well, Getting to know yourself isn’t always a “fun” ride
    Moon days for Ashtangis are what is defined as rest days.

  • “the new moon energy corresponds to the end of the exhalation when the force of asana is greatest. Apana is the downward pulling force that is calming and grounds us, but dense and disinclining to any physical exertion.”

  • I often times feel incredibly lethargic at these times.
    This moon (the full moon)

  • I was also blessed with my ladies.

  • I’m restless
    Ladies upped my salts with those cravings. So heaviness and lethargy are pretty relevant.
    No practice for 3 days affects... yeah, everything 🤪 and now checking my calendar, full moon is Tuesday
    Who needs grounding anyhow?! Lol
    Thankful for my body.
    Pretty excited to physically practice and feel a little more solid while driving this fleshy existence 💕
    Do you also find yourself aware of your foods, your hormones or hell, even moon days? Even if you don’t practice ashtanga?

Lauren Verona